About the Club:

Mt. Magazine Amateur Radio Club is a very informal club comprised of ham radio operators from all around the Mt. Magazine area.

The club call sign is W5MAG

For those not familiar with the mountain, it is located in east-central Logan County, Arkansas, and is the highest point in Arkansas.

Our club's 2-Meter repeater is

147.090 (Plus Offset) 151.4 Tone

On top of Mt. Magazine, Arkansas, at 2,730 feet above sea level, Oh-Nine is accessible from most of western Arkansas and the eastern edge of Oklahoma!


The W5MAG 2-METER NET is each Tuesday night, starting at 8:30 pm local time.
Jim Kiefer (personal call KD5NDJ) regularly calls the net.
The net is informal and all licensed hams are welcome to drop by and check in!

Click here for a copy of the net preamble

CLUB MEETINGS are the second Monday night of each month at the Daddio's Pinball and Arcade store in Paris, Arkansas. Our meetings are always informal, and the fun begins around 7:00 pm, local time.

ARRL affiliated VE TEST SESSIONS are held as needed at the
Daddio's Pinball and Arcade building in lovely Paris, Arkansas. Testing is available for all license classes.

Membership List

Membership Dues:

Yearly dues for the club are $10.00 for a single ham or $15.00 for a family membership.
All dues go toward the maintenance of the Oh-Nine repeater. Donations are greatly appreciated, as the club dues do not always keep up with repeater expenses.

Dues or donations can be mailed to :

Jim Kiefer KD5NDJ
25 N. Elm
Paris AR 72855

Club Callsign Trustee: Jim Kiefer KD5NDJ

Web Site Host: Hometown Computers, Paris, Arkansas
Jim Kiefer, KD5NDJ, Proprietor

Email KD5NDJ: techno@cswnet.com

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This page updated July 5, 2024 by KD5NDJ.